If I have a camera with me I may not take any photographs
But if I don't have a camera with me I certainly won't take any photographs.
Willy Ronis said that he never went out without a camera -- not even to buy a loaf of bread.
Even if I have a camera with me, what am I not photographing? This is a question that vexes me a lot. What am I looking at and not seeing that will be (interesting, curious, important) in 25 or 50 years? I mentioned a few posts back that I was starting a project "Before they vanish" -- structures that are still there because nobody has had a reason to tear them down, that are snuggled between much more modern buildings, neighborhood shops that have survived the onslaught of strip malls and redevelopment.
I also mentioned a few posts back that a friend and I challenged ourselves to each produce a small portfolio of prints about "The Place I Came From" -- he from nearly his entire lifetime in Tacoma, me having left the small town in Illinois where I grew up but fled as an adult. My first camera as a middle-schooler was a Baby Brownie that took 127 film. Once in a while I scraped together enough money for a roll of film and development at the local drug store. I wish I had the negatives now. The drug store is long gone. Susie's Restaurant is long gone -- so is the vacant lot next to it. My "The Place I Came From" begins in the 70s when back there visiting. am I not photographing?
Main Street in Eureka Illinois at Midnight -- ca 1974
But even then somewhere in the back of my mind I must have been thinking about "what am I not photographing." In 1980 I went to Deer Creek Illinois -- a few miles from Eureka. When I was in high school it was a thriving farm town of a few hundred people and a half dozen businesses. Here's what it looked like in 1980.
Deer Creek Illinois, 1980
This friendly kid stopped to talk with me — it went something like this:
Kid: Why are you taking pictures in little ol’ Deer Creek?
Me: I want to show how it has changed and have pictures to show when it changes again.
Kid: Nothin’ ever changes around here.
Me: Yes they do. When I was your age these buildings all had stores in them. They had a harvest festival and carnival in this street every fall.
Kid: Not any more.
Me: Did you build your bike. It’s pretty clever.
Kid: Yep, three junk bicycle frames and the seat off of a junk garden tractor. Getting the brakes to work was really hard.
Me: Do you go into Eureka to high school?
Kid: Yep, one more year. Go over to Goodfield (next small town over) to get the school bus.
Me: What comes after high school for you.
Kid: I dunno …. Maybe work for the fence company. (maker of woven wire fence materials in Goodfield.)
I just looked Deer Creek up -- it is again a thriving town, population 700, but instead of a farm town is a bedroom community for a city 20 miles to the east.
So Where is this going?
I'm like the kid in the photograph: "I dunno." What I do know is that every city neighborhood used to have a corner market. This one in West Seattle is still there -- everything from beer to popsicles, groceries, and a UPS drop off. I guess I'll keep pecking away at the idea and see what happens.